Freedom day in South Africa

27 April 1994. In South Africa. The first time. That everyone in South Africa had the opportunity to choose the government. The first time that everyone could fully participate in the process of choosing political leaders of the country they were born in.

Happy Freedom day [Source: Active change drivers]

The first full democratic election was held today, 27 years ago, in South Africa. Any person from 18 years and older could vote on this day for the new government.

This was a big day on the South African calendar. Some people describe it as the day on which the racial separation between people where finally abolished.

It is viewed as such an important day, that this day are commemorated as “Freedom day”. It is also one of South Africa’s official public holidays.

If we listen to people’s lived experiences, however, we should also acknowledge that this freedom are unfortunately still only a political freedom, in the sense that everyone can vote for the government every few years.

There are a lot of inequalities – especially economical inequalities – that causes people to still feel as though they are not free. All of us can see this inequalities all around us.

On 27 April 1996, President Nelson Mandela, in a speech during Freedom day celebrations, said the following introductory word:

“For generations to come, the abiding image of a patient citizenry in long voting queues on 27 April 1994, will remain deeply etched in the collective memory of the nation.

“As the world held its breath, South Africans together made their mark to bring into being one of the truly remarkable events of this turbulent century. Once more, we affirmed a truism of human history: that the people are their own liberators.”

The people are their own liberators.

One question are often asked: What does Freedom day mean to you?

Many people say that it is the celebration of the abolition of Apartheid in South Africa. Others also describe it as the day on which their personal freedom are being celebrated or that it is the day on which the opportunity to choose the future of the country (by voting) can be celebrated.

Unfortunately, it is also true that many people sat that this day has no meaning to them. People who previously experienced no freedom, as well as people who feel as though there freedom has been taken away from them.

“The people are their own liberators.”

In spite of circumstances which seems as though not everyone has freedom, let us work towards making freedom becoming a reality for all. Freedom from oppression by other people. Freedom from poverty. Freedom from the feeling that some I am not free just because someone else is free. Freedom, where everyone can experience that freedom.

The faces of South Africa [Source: FinGlobal]

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