Tag Archives: Writing

Blog a day in August

31 July 2018
I tried this before. In fact, I tried to do this just two months ago. I wanted to write one blog post every day, and publish these posts as soon as possible.
August is my favourite month of the year. I will write about the reason for that soon. That is why I am going to try to write one blog post every day for a month. Again.
I can write a post every day. I will be writing about any kind of topic that I think of. Sometimes I read a meme and it triggers an idea. I hope that happens throughout this coming month. Sometimes I hear a song and it triggers an idea, or I see a news story, and that triggers an idea to write about. I don’t have fixed topic I write about, although I do have some pet loves that I write about more than others. Those readers who have been following me for a while – if there are any – would have notices a long time ago that I do not have a fixed topic that I write about. I am all over the place when it comes to topics, really.
I do not, however, have reliable and available wifi spots. I use these, because my only alternative is mobile data, and that is to expensive. So I can’t publish my posts every day.
In any case. Join me on this ride of daily writing. Please follow me, comment on my posts, and share it if you want to and/or if you enjoy the writing.

31 July 2018: Introduction to August 2018 in my blogging evolution [Or: Blog a day in August]
01 August 2018: Where is our power? Where is Eskom?
02 August 2018: Talking about prayer

PE Friday

Blog-a-day-June… Friday, 8 June
I went to the school I went to on Monday again. For PE, again. It was different this time.
Friday PE is not hockey days. There are touchers or other types of sports being played. This day, they were to play some balancing games. They were to balance a tennis ball on a spoon, and walk across the playing field. That was the fun part.
The less than fun part, was that the classes were grade 1, 2, and 3 ages. A whole hour at a time.
I missed the grade R by a few minutes. They arrived minutes before the usual teacher arrived back from her exam. I was extremely glad when she returned!
I am really not good at working with young children, and I think I would be worse at trying to get 5/6 year olds to balance a tennis ball on a spoon!

Mugg & Bean

Blog-a-day-June… Thursday, 7 June
I went back to campus, in the hope that I can do some more work in the library. Unfortunately, I wasn’t allowed in. Apparently I wasn’t supposed to be allowed in yesterday either. Because I am not registered a student.
So I went to Mugg & Bean. In Brooklyn Mall. One of my favourite places when I stayed in Pretoria.
And, contrary to Mugg & Bean in Rustenburg, I connected to the wi-fi easily. I could not believe the ease in connecting!
I also returned home in the evening.


Blog-a-day-June… Wednesday, 6 June
I was at my research leader today. I still have some work, and about 10 pages of typing, left to do before I am finished.
I also found out that the R7500 that was paid into my student account, were paid into a student loans account. That payment have to be found before I can register as a student.
So I worked in the library for a while, and then headed back to Albert in the afternoon. I drove close by the same Wimpy where I sat yesterday. I stopped there and went there again for a while.
Albert and I were going to watch some school hockey, but the match was cancelled. I was actually disappointed by that.

Not-registration day

Blog-a-day-June… Tuesday, 5 June
I am still working on my research essay. That is the only part of my studies that needs to be finished.
I am in Pretoria today, tomorrow and Thursday.
Tomorrow I will see my research leader (or whatever he is called), to get ideas and thoughts on how to finish the essay.
Today I had to get registered. After paying R7500 into my student account, I was late to the offices of the personnel with whom I had to find out about the process. So I will be doing that tomorrow as well.
Before going to Albert, who have a bed extra while I visit Pretoria, I went to Wimpy. I sat there, accessing internet to go through my e-mails and other internet-based sites.
I’m now typing from the room in which I will sleep tonight. It is always an honour to stay at Albert. People who say that a true friend are the one you don’t need to hear from daily, but when you seem him/her you can continue conversation as though you saw him/her yesterday, might be right.


Friday, 1 June
“I want to blog every day.” These are words I recently read on one of those “advertising pages” on Facebook where people share their blog posts and blog sites.
I also know it is something similar to what I say when I start to write again after a long absence from blogging. And normally those kinds of resolutions last for about two weeks, at most, before dying down again.
I don’t know how long it will last this time.
I want to try to write a post every day for the next 30 days. I want to call it my own “Blog-a-day-June”.
I already know what will happen. I will not post every day. I live on a small holding outside Rustenburg. I do not have wifi at home. I also do not get to connect to a wifi spot every day. So I will post the posts I write, maybe 3 on one day at some stages.
I know what else will happen. I don’t know if I will be able to write some awesome and new content on every day. So some posts might be a reflection on some news or sport story that happens, or I might write a post about a song I like (maybe even the words only).
But I am going to at least write one post every day… And post most of them onto my blogsites.


02 June 2018: Unpacking boxes

03 June 2018: Extremely cold!

04 June 2018: PE Monday

05 June 2018: Not-registration day

06 June 2018: Research

07 June 2018: Mugg & Bean

08 June 2018: PE Friday

09 June 2018: Savings idea

10 June 2018: Comrades

11 June 2018: Countdown to World Cups

12 June 2018: Mugg & Bean Rustenburg

13 June 2018: Eskom consequences

14 June 2018: Soccer World Cup kick-off

15 June 2018: Spain vs Portugal

16 June 2018: Youth day 2018

17 June 2018: Father’s Day 2018… no father