Tag Archives: Resurrection Sunday 2021

Jesus lives!

Today we celebrate the rise of Jesus from the dead.

We believe that Jesus lives!

Effectively, the most important week-end in the Christian faith comes to a close.

Jesus’s death, which are commemorated on Good Friday, makes it possible that the relationship between God and people are repaired. Jesus dies for people’s sins, so that people can get permanent forgiveness for their sins.

On the third day, Jesus rose from the dead.

If Jesus did not rise from the dead, His salvation-work wouldn’t have go all the way. Jesus had to rise from the dead. It meant that He did not only overcome sin (on Good Friday), but that He also overcame death. That is why we can look forward to everlasting LIFE with God. A life that also starts now.

Because Jesus lives, we can live life in fullness.

The first words of the angel to the women, according to Matthews story, is to not be afraid. This “fear” that are addressed, are most likely a fear when they see the angel.

I think it might also be addressing the fear of death. People don’t have to fear death anymore. Because Jesus lives again.

The women are sent to share the news that Jesus lives again to Jesus’s other followers. Women weren’t viewed at worthy to give testimony; it is women who are sent to be the first people to testify about this good news!

Jesus lives! And we can live with Him!